


商业的未来是全球化的, 以及锡达维尔大学独特的基督教全球商业专业, 罗伯特? W. 石膏商学院, can help you take your place in the global marketplace. 通过国际市场营销等课程, 世界宗教, 以及商业道德和社会责任, you will be equipped to serve customers in international markets as well to expand a local business 在全球范围内.

By combining practical business skills with a global perspective, 在当今严峻的就业市场中,你将以优势毕业. 你可以选择主修会计, 经济学, 金融, 资讯科技管理, 市场营销, 或者体育管理. 但不仅仅是为你的全球职业生涯做准备, 你的雪松维尔全球商业学位将为你做好准备 make a Gospel impact through your vocation, wherever God leads you.

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  • 圣经的世界观

    The Bible is the authority for research and study in every class you'll take.
  • 辅导基督教教师

    You'll be taught by highly-credentialed professors who want you to succeed.
  • 最高安置率

    我们的 graduates achieve top career and grad school placement rates — 10% above the national average.



圣经的集成 -学习圣经中关于卓越的原则, 管理, 和仆人式领导并用它们来评估文化价值.

地理焦点区域 – Choose Asia, Middle East, Latin, or Western Europe as your geographic area of focus.

商业学科专业化 – Customize your degree by choosing a business discipline 专业化: accounting, 经济学, 创业, 金融, 资讯科技管理, 市场营销, 或者体育管理.

文化感受 – You will expand your language skills and cultural knowledge through a required study abroad 经验.


我们为我们成功的毕业生感到骄傲! 罗伯特W. 石膏商学院 were employed or in graduate school within six months of graduation. 看看Cedarville的其他安置率.

拿B你能做什么.A. 在全球商业中?

你会发现很多 职业发展机会 在国际贸易中. 你在全球商业领域的学士学位会给你带来好处 你喜欢以下这些令人兴奋的职业:

  • 业务即使命(BAM)启动
  • 全球金融分析师
  • 国际人力资源专员
  • 国际销售和市场营销
  • 国际供应链经理
  • 跨国企业(MNE)

我们的全球商业项目毕业生已经跟随了许多 opportunities including companies with global operations, business as 特派团、非政府组织(NGO)和当地公司. 我们的 毕业生在许多私营公司工作 并在各大银行机构以及与会人士中享有盛誉 研究生学习,包括法学院.

Graduate and professional programs and employers welcome Cedarville University graduates each year. It is important to note that some professional career fields you may pursue require additional education, 经验, and/or licensure beyond the completion of your Cedarville University undergraduate degree.


出国留学 required 经验 will expand your cultural knowledge and improve your language skills as you fully immerse yourself in a different culture. 大多数学生选择以下机会之一:

  • 西班牙学期 – Spend a semester in Valencia, Spain, fully immersed in the culture as you study. 你会去西班牙和欧洲其他地方旅行.
  • 国际商业学院(IBI) – IBI is 10-week, 12-credit-hour academic summer program that offers a life-changing 经验 in business and culture as you visit Europe, Russia, 印度, and China. 该计划包括上午的学习时间, followed by visits to major companies and cultural sites in the afternoons.
  • 国际教育交流委员会(CIEE) – CIEE offers study abroad programs in more than 40 countries and more than 150 subject areas.
  • 海外文化体验(CEA) – CEA provides international education opportunities for students who are interested in exploring global issues abroad.

实习 with nonprofit or missions organizations — such as HOPE International or Samaritan’s Purse – will give you real-world 经验 在全球范围内.



Enhance your global business degree by participating in one of Cedarville’s exciting study abroad opportunities. You’ll 经验 different cultures and begin to understand your place in the world.

学生组织 – You can participate in student or professional organizations that will complement your global business coursework:


  • 融资的希望 – Dedicated to the promotion of inner city projects and international 业务即使命. 主要项目是位于 俄亥俄州斯普林菲尔德,和高危女性一起工作. 国际项目 印度 与小额信贷.
  • 法国俱乐部 - - - 法国俱乐部 meets regularly at la Table de Français to practice speaking 课堂外讲法语. 他们也参与文化活动 有关活动,例如参观讲法语的教堂 in Columbus, participating in French dinners, and fellowship and 法语礼拜.
  • 德国俱乐部 -促进 use of the German language and increases the knowledge and appreciation 德国文化,以提高使命意识.
  • 国际司法使命 – 国际司法使命 (IJM) promotes awareness on campus about issues of injustice around the globe, particularly those issues addressed by the 国际司法使命 based in Washington, D.C.
  • 模拟联合国 ——斯德维尔 模拟联合国 team helps prepare future delegates through 在区域和国家层面加强合作和谈判 比赛期间,代表外国选手参赛 其他国家的政策.
  • 西班牙俱乐部 - - - 西班牙俱乐部 meets regularly to practice conversational Spanish. They participate in cultural activities, including ministry to local Hispanic churches, and host an annual Noche de Alabanza open to the 整个 学生的身体.


  • Enactus – Enactus is an organization that provides our students the opportunity to make a difference, 开发领导, 团队合作, 并通过学习沟通技巧, 练习, 教导自由企业的原则.
  • 学生领导小组(SLT) SLT服务于罗伯特W. Plaster School of Business by building community among students and faculty, 培养人际关系, 计划和执行活动和项目.
  • 商界女性 商界女性 is an organization dedicated to helping women in professions learn more about reaching goals in careers, 在家里, 并投入使用.


Building on your core liberal arts and Bible minor courses, you will take core global studies and global business courses as well as courses 在您选择的地理重点区域和业务学科 专业化.


  • 全球问题
  • 国际业务


Save time and money in college by taking dual enrollment courses now. Discover how you can complete your business degree up to a year early with the 双录取 通往商业之路.



Cedarville offers both graduate and undergraduate programs, with flexible completion options. 你可能也想 consider these related programs as you consider the degree or program that is a best fit for you.







罗伯特·W·迪恩. 石膏商学院; Professor of 经济学



Dan Sterkenburg, DBA


